Monday, March 31, 2014


As we continue to wonder, why winter battles against us and bite into our Spring season; we can also ponder why reporters from around the world still persist in continuing to try to bear the brunt of the elements.  Is it just for our entertainment; or just for bragging rights?

If you haven't heard or seen already, two Canadian reporters tried to do just that and fail.  Epic!

Last Wednesday in Grand Etang Nova Scotia, the two weather reporters from the Canadian weather network tried to face off against a crotch crippling, level 3 hurricane.  With wind speeds of 100 mph and up to 20 inches of snow gripping the area; the sturdy duo at first seemed to bear well against the storm; as they tried to describe the conditions, (like we couldn't tell!) while having their faces lashed by copious amounts of arctic confetti.  They offered the viewers a play by play account of the conditions. "This is for me, a full on "Snowicane!" cries one reporter into the mic.

While we are amazed at how well they are holding against the prevailing winds, it all comes to a thud, when a sudden gust of, mega wind knocks the two to the ground.  All before they could finish a description about the hurricanes deafening sound.  "Its like a roar." If you have ever been to a concertttttttt! (A Scorpions concert perhaps?) To be fair though, it was a mighty gust that would of knocked Andre the Giant of the shitter!

As I watched the reporters zip past my peripheral vision and roll out of my TV screen; that famous cry from the 1980s Flash Gordon movie, flashed through my head:  "For God's sake; strap yourselves down!"

All I can say is, no bruised egos buddyo's.  We kind of expected it.  But lets face it though, if Al Roker's ass couldn't anchor it while getting pink eyed by Hurricane Wilma in 2005; whilst being pinned down by terrified production guy!  What made you guys think, you could too!?

As the Camera continues to roll the two Anchormen; try to re-anchor their footing amongst the blizzarding chaos.  The reporters are off screen for a while, one cries, "shit!" And we are left wondering if Mother Nature blew their ass into the ocean; or curl them down the road like two flapping penguins. Eventually they return and we are somewhat relieved that they are still with us. The reporting ends when they lose their mic cover and they call it quits, the wind is so strong one weather man struggles to open the car door.

We ask ourselves, why do they do it?  Its surely pointless to go on, for only for the sake of the sadistic pleasure of the viewing public; watching a poor struggling weather reporter get their ass handed to them by the elements.

To try and rationalize it a little more and to give these brave souls some credit; I suppose the viewer does get a sense of what the conditions are truly like; when someone is being constantly tortured by it.  I must admit the little devil in me does enjoy the spectacle; while my Spock brain tries to rationalize it and puts it down to pure non logic.

But at least we did find something out though; and that is: our Northern Neighbors do have some balls after all.  But we will still have to chalk this one down as another on that bites the dust and wait for the next victim to go rolling by our flat screens.  I can't wait for the next "Snowicane!"

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